Samara Manuel

My name is Samara Manuel, I am 14 years old and I’m looking forward to being a part of this U18 team. I’m excited to meet and work with all of the team members as well as learn from all of the coaches.

I have been eventing for 3 years, the last 2 with my horse named ‘Cake’.  His show name is ‘Takes the Cake’ and he is 11 years old.  We train at Foxridge Farms with the DPC Sport Horses team.

Cake and I started this past season in EV75 and finished the season with a few completions in EV90 and the Novice, 3-day event in Spokane.

I enjoy working with Cake, learning new skills as a rider, and helping this sensitive gelding learn with me.  One of my favourite things about eventing is entering into the different shows to see how we can progress together from one show to the next. I believe cross country is his favourite phase of eventing because he seems to have the most energy for it compared to the other phases.

Thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to a fun and exciting season ahead of us.

Photo credits to Afillyate Photography.